South Bay InsightLA
Shelter In Place Resources
*Note: In addition to these resources, please see the Meditation section and Calendar page of our website for the schedule of free, online Zoom meetings of our Practice Groups on Tuesday evenings, Thursday mornings and alternate Sunday afternoons.
Daily Vipassana and other Insight Practices – free or minimal donation:
Gil Frondsdal – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGliqsod-tQoGiHahxS9Wig
Beth Sternlieb -https://insightla.org/teacher/beth-sternlieb/
Sharon Salzburg, others - https://www.youtube.com/user/InsightMeditation
Foundation for Active Compassion - https://foundationforactivecompassion.org/online-groups/
Sangha Live Daily - https://sangha.live/daily/
Upaya Sittings - https://www.upaya.org/about/meditation-schedule/​
Free online resources:
Compassion meditation - https://self-compassion.org/category/exercises/#guided-meditations
Dharma Seed offers many free talks and meditations - https://dharmaseed.org
Tara Brach guided meditation - https://www.tarabrach.com/guided-meditations/
Ten Percent Happier - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb3AWCFuxotrXmgqUHQdwyg
UCLA Mindful App - https://www.uclahealth.org/marc/ucla-mindful-app
Wise Speech - The Foundations of Mindful Communication - Oren Jay Sofer - https://www.buddhistinquiry.org/online-programs/wise-speech/
Mindfulness Emergency Kit for Frontline Workers - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGN1kjApUDeTCG52voOmoWBoEhCG5gCse
Teacher Self-Care Playlists - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGN1kjApUDeQpdtlW8tVh8cmTilRR7P_s
Kindness poem read by Donna Mackay at PVPG on May 10th - https://poets.org/poem/kindness
Written Posts on Dealing with Crisis by Insight LA - https://insightla.org/5069-2/
Online Event/Retreats with sliding scale fees:
Mindfulness of Whiteness Practice Group - https://insightla.org/event/whiteness-group/2020-06-12-18-00/
Day Events Insight LA - https://insightla.org/programs/special-events/
Foundation for Active Compassion Online Retreats - https://foundationforactivecompassion.org/events/
There are many more events and offerings, so this is not an exhaustive list. Please let us know if you have any to share! Email Annette Lombardi at annettelombardi1@gmail.com